Tuesday, May 17, 2011

It's that irking feeling that my life was constantly being put on hold for bigger plans.

Just filled out my FAFSA form...

It feels like I am eighteen again, and not in the good way.  I feel like the people (assuming they are human) at the Department of Education own a part of my soul or something.  Yes, I realize it is my choice.  I'm not trying to feel all entitled or anything, but man, when you see that total tuition bill and realize that it is your destiny to remain in the public sector (earning a living, but not earning much money for anything else) sometimes it's hard to reconcile.  Like, I could see the point of taking out large loans for a law degree or a medical degree, but often times when people enter those professions, there is a massive salary involved to offset the price of the loans.  I can't really say the same for my chosen field.

I need to look at the larger picture though.  Like, why I am doing this.  Here comes another list!!!

1.  It has been a goal of mine to both a) earn a doctorate (or attend law school, but I figured that I would have to chose one or another) and b) to live abroad again.  Two birds.  One stone.  This is pretty awesome.

2. I truly feel that all children deserve the very best education possible.  Horace Mann called public education "the great equalizer."  Our school system needs to realize that.  Or better yet, our culture needs to realize that.  I feel like going back to school will help me to better serve my students and community.  I find it extremely annoying when people have said things to me like, "You're getting a doctorate and you want to go back into the classroom?  Won't you be a little over-educated for that?"  My response is always the same:  "Who do you want educating your children?"  This usually quiets them pretty quickly.

3. When, if ever, will this opportunity come along again?

4. I have resisted the idea of settling down for years.  For example, J and me have been in the position to buy a house for awhile now.  However, whenever I considered this, I always felt like it would be a nail in the coffin of the dream to return to Australia.  It's that irking feeling that my life was constantly being put on hold for bigger plans.  Now that the bigger plans have arrived, it feels right to leave.  It's very hard, but I know it's right.

5. This is an opportunity for adventure.  And really, who can ever say no to that?

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