Sunday, April 1, 2012

Busy as a Bee

I think I could start another blog and call it "My Doctoral Days."
However, I'm quite certain the blog would consist of only a title and no entries, for three years, due to neglect.
Right now, my time is wrapped up in completing various assessments (as I only have a couple months of coursework left, then it's all researching/analysing/writing all the time).  My biggest hurdle now is narrowing down my thesis (dissertation) topic and typing up the thesis proposal, which consists of fifteen page, single-spaced document explaining what I will be investigating and how I am going to go about doing it.  It's due mid-June.  I got time.  Currently, I am busy "reading the topic," which means that I am getting my hot little hands on every journal article and book ever written about girls and aggression in the classroom.
Truthfully, I think going to graduate school is more stressful than working.  Thankfully, I can concentrate on school full-time and not have to work at the same time.  This is huge!  The majority of the candidates (over eighty percent) at the university work full-time and go to school part-time.
I try not to get too bogged down on such stress.  I focus on the good.  This is an amazing opportunity I have been granted.  My supervisor is out-of-this-world wonderful.  My cubemates are so friendly and offer so much moral support.  I can do this!
Mid-semester break is coming up soon.  At my university, the semesters are twelve weeks long, as opposed to the fifteen/sixteen week long semesters found at many American universities.  I'd say the workload is the same, it's just crammed into a shorter time period.  Although, beginning in July, semesters will mean nothing to me.  Doctoral candidates here are expected to work year-round, but they are also expected to take four weeks of vacation each year, so that's good.
Anyway, we are headed to Thailand for a week and a half on Wednesday.  I look forward to relaxing and getting reenergized. It is much needed!