Sunday, April 1, 2012

Busy as a Bee

I think I could start another blog and call it "My Doctoral Days."
However, I'm quite certain the blog would consist of only a title and no entries, for three years, due to neglect.
Right now, my time is wrapped up in completing various assessments (as I only have a couple months of coursework left, then it's all researching/analysing/writing all the time).  My biggest hurdle now is narrowing down my thesis (dissertation) topic and typing up the thesis proposal, which consists of fifteen page, single-spaced document explaining what I will be investigating and how I am going to go about doing it.  It's due mid-June.  I got time.  Currently, I am busy "reading the topic," which means that I am getting my hot little hands on every journal article and book ever written about girls and aggression in the classroom.
Truthfully, I think going to graduate school is more stressful than working.  Thankfully, I can concentrate on school full-time and not have to work at the same time.  This is huge!  The majority of the candidates (over eighty percent) at the university work full-time and go to school part-time.
I try not to get too bogged down on such stress.  I focus on the good.  This is an amazing opportunity I have been granted.  My supervisor is out-of-this-world wonderful.  My cubemates are so friendly and offer so much moral support.  I can do this!
Mid-semester break is coming up soon.  At my university, the semesters are twelve weeks long, as opposed to the fifteen/sixteen week long semesters found at many American universities.  I'd say the workload is the same, it's just crammed into a shorter time period.  Although, beginning in July, semesters will mean nothing to me.  Doctoral candidates here are expected to work year-round, but they are also expected to take four weeks of vacation each year, so that's good.
Anyway, we are headed to Thailand for a week and a half on Wednesday.  I look forward to relaxing and getting reenergized. It is much needed!


  1. Great blog! Welcome to Melbourne, hope you have a great experience living here :)

  2. Hi Brendan!
    Welcome and thank you for your kind words. :)
    Melbourne is such a fabulous place. I enjoy living here so much, even though I don't blog about it nearly as often as I should! x

  3. Probably way to late to make this suggestion, but have you ever looked on youtube for video's of bullying? Girls are particularly vicious. Although there is a remarkable one about a young boy fro OZ I believe who is repeatedly taunted and struck by another boy. Finally the victim picks up the Bully and tosses him to the ground obviously hurting him. Interestingly, the bully received minimal punishment whilst the victim was heavily penalized for defending himself. Youtube is a great source of info. Emily

  4. Hi Emily,
    Oh trust me, it's never too late... the literature review goes on practically everyday until the final submission. Thanks for your post! x
